
  • Apr
    The Early Warning Model and Resolving Mechanism of Social Conflicts Based on TRIZ Based on the innovation of social conflicts management, which is the theme of the times, this research item focuses on the topic of coping/resolving social conflicts and promoting the development of Harmonious Society. Complying with the thinking logic of “what is the characteristic of the conflicts”, “how to fore...
  • Mar
    The principal investigator of "Moral Life History Studies of Qiang People" is Professor Xiao Ping. The study is a subproject of “Moral Life History of Chinese Ethnic Groups” (No. 13 & ZD064) which sponsored by National Social Science Fund. The principal investigator of the total project is Professor Li Wei who is affiliated in Ningxia University. In fact, the members of the research group have v...
  • Mar
    This project will examine the development, innovation, policy and lessons of social security from experience both in China and other countries. Given previous reference, this project will analyze shocks to social security equilibrium due to aging population, urbanization, and transformation of labor market and build an optimal equilibrium for further policy suggestions by quantitative analysis. Th...
  • Feb
    Guided by the spirits of the 18th Chinese Communist Party Congress and the Third Plenary Session of the eighteenth, this topic uses the urban migration model and the theory of institutional change as its guidance and the study of others as its basis, investigates and analyzes the citizenization of agriculture population who had been transferred in China whit the theoretical and empirical research ...