

Project Granted by National Social Science Fund of China(13XJL006)

2014-02-25  Hits:[]

Guided by the spirits of the 18th Chinese Communist Party Congress and the Third Plenary Session of the eighteenth, this topic uses the urban migration model and the theory of institutional change as its guidance and the study of others as its basis, investigates and analyzes the citizenization of agriculture population who had been transferred in China whit the theoretical and empirical research methods and then interprets the main difficulties and institutional barriers which encountered in the process of citizenization. At the main time, draw lessons from the experiences of citizenization of agricultural population in the developed countries and regions while combined with relevant theories, then propose the innovative ideas that orderly promote the citizenization of agricultural population in China, in order to summarize the institution and mechanism systems that can make a contribution to achieve an orderly transfer of the agricultural population.

pre:Project Granted by Natural Science Foundation of China(71303195)
