

Project Granted by National Social Science Fund of China(13BGL133)

2014-04-10  Hits:[]

The Early Warning Model and Resolving Mechanism of Social Conflicts Based on TRIZ

Based on the innovation of social conflicts management, which is the theme of the times, this research item focuses on the topic of coping/resolving social conflicts and promoting the development of Harmonious Society. Complying with the thinking logic of “what is the characteristic of the conflicts”, “how to forewarn the conflicts” and “how to solve the conflicts”, this item faces the social conflicts in China directly, and with the method of empirical research, studies the causes, early warning and preventing of social conflicts systematically. By applying the early warning model proposed in this item, and using the science of administration, management science , Sociology and TRIZ methodology especially, this research item will bring up the new resolving mechanism and countermeasure for the social conflicts in China.

The research contents of this item include: (1) there are two conflicting parts or more which cannot be reconciled--or the so-called irreconcilable “conflicting units ”--under the existing institutional or technological conditions, so the “conflict matrix” will be introduced to resolve these conflicts; (2)it is difficult to resolve the specific conflicts by adjusting the related parameters simply under the existing institutional or technological conditions, so the system has to be redesign creatively in order to eliminate the conflicts; (3)in order to get the high-level resolutions to the social conflicts or the contradictions in the field of the technology, the psychological inertial has to be broken, and the function and the justification of the sub-systems or the conflict units in the existing system has to be analyzed, in this way, the key problem hidden behind the conflict could be resolved and a practical resolution close to the Ideal Final Result could be obtained by redesign or transform the system with the least resource and expenditure; (4) The resolution strategies for technological conflicts in TRIZ, such as ideal final result, resource analysis, function analysis, trimming, root cause analysis, another dimension principle and so on, could be used to solve social conflicts; (5) the “ Four Separating Principles” in TRIZ could be applied to propose the separating mechanism of social conflicts resolving; by explaining the Theory of the Technological Evolution in TRIZ from the perspective of the Sociology and the implication of management policy, the sociology and policy meaning of applying TRIZ inventive principles to resolve the social conflicts could also be excavated.

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