

Students' profile

        we have 688 undergrad students and 15 undergraduate classes. We also have 373 postgraduates and 13 graduate classes. Students in school of public administration have a well employment status. In 2013, the employment rate of undergraduates is nearly 95%.


Development Goals

        We are aiming: to become high-level personal training and educational bases for Public Administration and Economics, to become influential bases of study and application, to be an important policy-making consulting center for government and related organizations.


Ways of Training

        We train students by teaching them: morality is principle, exercises for abilities are fundamental. Students will also learn the marrow of the spirits of SWJTU and use innovation to be their motivations. What’s more, safety is the most important premise.


        Our college is willing to engage in academic communications and cooperations with governments, related social organizations and oversea colleges as well as hoping improve the academy level of Public Administration together. We truly welcome teachers and students to join us.