

Project Granted by National Social Science Fund of China(13&ZD064)

2014-03-25  Hits:[]

The principal investigator of "Moral Life History Studies of Qiang People" is Professor Xiao Ping. The study is a subproject of “Moral Life History of Chinese Ethnic Groups” (No. 13 & ZD064) which sponsored by National Social Science Fund. The principal investigator of the total project is Professor Li Wei who is affiliated in Ningxia University. In fact, the members of the research group have varies academic backgrounds. Professor Zhang Xiaojun from the Research Center in Anthropology and Ethnology of Tsinghua University, Yang Shunli and Wang Siqi are Associate Professors at School of Public Administration, Southwest Jiaotong University.

In this project, we hope to conduct our research by ethnographic field work at several Qiang villages in northern Sichuan. The goal of this research is to enable us to get further understanding of the moral behavior of Qiang in Chinese history. We will focus on the communities, families and individuals for a long time and we believe that the study could make meaningful contributions to moral anthropology and ethics in the future.

pre:Project Granted by National Social Science Fund of China(13BGL133) next:Project Granted by Natural Science Foundation of China(71303195)
