YAN XueyongNAMEYAN XueyongDEPT.Public administrationPROFESSIONAL TITLELecturerRESEARCH FIELDPublic policy analysis, social policy, family policyRECORD OF FORMAL STUDY/DEGREEPostgraduate/Doctor of [email protected] experience2011.09–2015.09, Sun Yat Sen University, majored in social security, obtained a doctor's degree in management2004.09–2006.07, Sun Yat Sen University, m...
XIA YongmeiXIA Yongmei, female, born in November 1978, Lecturer, Director of Legal Theory Teaching and Research Office of Dept. of Law. From 1997 to 2004, she studied in Southwest University of Political Science and Law; from July 2004 to present, she has taught in Southwest Jiaotong University School of Public Affairs & Law Dept. of Law. She teaches constitutional law, jurisprudence, labor law, insurance...
ZHAO FangNAME: ZHAO FangPLACE OF ORIGIN: ChongqingPOLITICAL IMAGE: CCP MemberEMAIL: [email protected] FIELDS: Scientific and technological innovation and social development, regional economy, traffic economyEducation background:2008.09-2012.12, Nankai University / School of Economics / Institute of Urban and Regional Economics / Industrial Economics / Doctor2004.09-2007.07, Southwest Jiaotong Un...
ZHANG QianwenZHANG Qianwen, female, doctor of laws, Lecturer, master supervisor. She was a research assistant of the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL), a member of the Institute of international criminal law of McGill University in Canada, a member of the Collaborative Innovation Center for security and development of the western frontier of China, and a member of the Collaborativ...
YUAN ZhiNAMEYUAN ZhiDEPT.Public administrationPROFESSIONAL TITLELecturerRESEARCH FIELDGovernment and law-based governanceRECORD OF FORMAL STUDY/DEGREEPostgraduate/[email protected] background:Doctor candidate of laws in constitutional and administrative law, Zhejiang UniversityPart-time positions:None.Work experience:2003-2005, School of Economics and Management, Southwest Jiaotong U...
DENG CuiweiNAMEDENG CuiweiDEPT.LawPROFESSIONAL TITLELecturerRESEARCH FIELDEconomic law, financial law, e-commerce lawRECORD OF FORMAL STUDY/DEGREEPostgraduate/Master of [email protected] Cuiwei: Master of law, part-time lawyer, Accountant, member of Electronic Information Industry Intellectual Property Professional Committee of Sichuan Electronic Society. Her main research fields are economic la...
DU JuanNAMEDU JuanDEPT.LawPROFESSIONAL TITLELecturerRESEARCH FIELDProcedural lawRECORD OF FORMAL STUDY/DEGREEPostgraduate/Master of [email protected] experience:1997-2001, Bachelor of law, School of law, Sichuan University2002-2005, Master of laws in procedural law, School of law, Sichuan University Research direction:Procedural law (Criminal Procedure Law, civil procedure law)Academic a...
Zhou XianyongName Zhou Xianyong Department Public Administration Professional ranks and titles Lecturer Research field Innovation Method and its application; Public Works Organization and Management Degree Ph.D E-mail address [email protected] ...
Lin JingjingName Lin Jingjing Department Public Administration Professional ranks and titles lecturer Research field Public project management & Human resource management Degree Ph. D E-mail address [email protected] Education background: 199...