EMAIL: [email protected]
RESEARCH FIELDS: Scientific and technological innovation and social development, regional economy, traffic economy
Education background:
2008.09-2012.12, Nankai University / School of Economics / Institute of Urban and Regional Economics / Industrial Economics / Doctor
2004.09-2007.07, Southwest Jiaotong University / College of Humanities and Social Sciences / Regional Economics / Master
2000.09-2004.07, Southwest Jiaotong University / College of Humanities and Social Sciences / Economics / Bachelor
Work experience:
2013.01-2015.09, Tsinghua University / School of Social Sciences / Science, Technology and Social Research Center / Postdoctoral researcher (assistant researcher)
2015.09-2019.05, Southwest Jiaotong University / China High Speed Rail Development Strategy Research Center / Lecturer
2019.05–present, Southwest Jiaotong University / School of Public Affairs & Law / Transportation Public Policy Research Center
Research projects
(1) General project of National Social Science Fund: Research on mode differences and path selection of science and technology driven industrial cluster upgrading from the perspective of Knowledge Embeddedness (18bjy097), presider
(2) Ministry of education Youth Fund for Humanities and Social Sciences Research: Research on evolution mechanism, path and impact measurement of industrial clusters based on knowledge intensive service industry embeddedness (17yjc790206)
(3) Soft science research of Sichuan Science and technology plan project: Research on Coordination Mechanism of R & D investment to promote high quality industrial development in Sichuan Province (2019jdr0185)
(4) Special supported project of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation: Industrial Association and collaborative agglomeration of secondary and tertiary industries: Analysis Based on embeddedness difference, approval No.: 2015t80066, presider
(5) Project of Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province: Research on the evolution mechanism of collaborative agglomeration of manufacturing industry and logistics industry from the perspective of embeddedness (2014a0303103168);
(6) Project of Shenzhen Soft Science Foundation: Research on the ecosystem of innovative resource utilization in Shenzhen Virtual University Park, approval No.: rkx 20131030937001263; presider
Representative works
(1) First author. The linkage effect of industrial upgrading under the condition of global value chain and domestic value chain parallel – Taking Shenzhen industrial upgrading as a case [J], China soft science, No. 11, 2014.
(2) First author. Research on innovation ecosystem from multiple perspectives. Scientific research, No. 12, 2014.
(3) First author. The impact of inter industry productivity linkage on China’s industrial productivity growth. Quantitative economy, technical and economic research, No. 3, 2012.
(4) First author. An interregional input-output model based on RPC and its empirical study. Systems engineering, No. 11, 2011.
(5) First author. Economic analysis of self support and outsourcing of logistics business in manufacturing enterprises. Highway transportation technology, 2009, issue 5.