

Lin Jingjing

2018-06-13  Hits:[]



Lin Jingjing


Public Administration


Professional ranks and titles


Research field

Public project management & Human resource management


Ph. D

E-mail address

[email protected]


Education background:

1999.9-2003.6 Bachelor majored in Management, School of Economics & Management, SWJTU

2003.9-2006.3 Master majored in Business Management, School of Economics & Management, SWJTU

2006.3-2011.6 PH.D majored in Project Management, School of Economics & Management, SWJTU


social part-time



Employment History:

A lecture since 2011.9


Scientific achievements


[1] Lin Jingjing, Zhou Guohua. Study on Knowledge Transfer Mechanism in Industry –University Collaboration- A Case Study of the Implementation of Project Management Mode in an Exploration & Design Institute. China Soft Science, 2006(3):139-144.

[2] Lin Jingjing, Zhou Guohua. Study on Human Resource Alloction in Multi-project Based on the Priority and the Cost of Projects. The Proceedings of 20th IPMA World Congress on Project Management.Shanghai,China.15-17 October 2006. Beijing:Machinery Industry Press,2006(10):572-575
[3]TANG Yuanning, LIN Jingjing, Zhou Guohua. Study on Multi-project Evaluation and Selection Based on Balanced Scorecard and Fuzzy Evaluation. Chinese Journal of Management Science. 2006,14: 235-238.

[4] Lin Jingjing, Zhou Guohua. Study on Critical Chain Multi-project management based on Priority. Science and Technology Management Research, 2009(8):131-133.

[5] Lin Jingjing, Zhou Guohua, Yang Qin. Study on Critical Chain Scheduling Considering Resource Substitutability. Chinese Journal of Management,2010(8):1233-1236.

[6] Lin Jingjing, Zhou Guohua. Study on Critical Chain Buffer Sizing Based on Uncertainty. Science and Technology Management Research , 2011(2):227-230.

[7] Lin Jingjing, Zhou Guohua. Critical Chain Multi-project Scheduling based on Particle Swarm Optimization. Statistics and Decision, 2012(10):44-47.


(二)research project

[1] Study on Chinese PPP/PFI project risk management based on Real option theory, Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2010.1-2012.12, 70901065,Main researcher

[2] Study on quality management system and risk control technology of Beijing- Shanghai Railway Project, The major subject of science and technology research and development program of Ministry of Railways, 2009.10-2011.10, 2008Z019-A, Main researcher



Teaching situation

Development of training and management,for undergraduate students;

Performance appraisal and salary management,for undergraduate students

Human resource management,for undergraduate students

Project Management,for undergraduate students

Public project management,for postgraduate students

pre:Zhou Xianyong
