

XIA Yongmei

2019-07-17  Hits:[]

XIA Yongmei, female, born in November 1978, Lecturer, Director of Legal Theory Teaching and Research Office of Dept. of Law. From 1997 to 2004, she studied in Southwest University of Political Science and Law; from July 2004 to present, she has taught in Southwest Jiaotong University School of Public Affairs & Law Dept. of Law. She teaches constitutional law, jurisprudence, labor law, insurance law and other courses. She is one of the leading teachers of the school-level excellent course Jurisprudence. She has published many academic papers inExploration,Theory and Reform,Journal of Southwest University of Political Science and Law,Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University (SOCIAL SCIENCE EDITION), participated in the compilation of four monographs and textbooks, and presided over and researched five provincial and university-level topics. In 2006, she won the Excellent Award of the Young Teachers Lecture Competition of Southwest Jiaotong University.

pre:YAN Xueyong next:ZHAO Fang
