
Associate Professor

Han Wenli

2018-06-13  Hits:[]



September 1999- July 2002   Ph.D., West Economics Research Center, Southwest University of Finance and Economics

September 1996- July 1999   Master, Population Research Center, Southwest University of Finance and Economics

September 1988- July 1992   Bachelor’s degree, Trade and Economics Department, Southwest University of

 Finance and Economics



Director: Sichuan Regional Economic Association, Fall 2008 – Present

Council Member: Science and Technology Advisory Group of Chengdu


- School of Public Administration, Southwest Jiaotong University


Associate Professor ~ 2004 – Present          Lecturer~ 2002 – Spring 2004

Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Environmental Economics, International Trade Theory, Marketing Research.

- Agriculture Bank of China Xinjing Trust Investment Company

Investment Management ~ 3. 1994 –7. 1996

- Hongkong Sinyun Industry (Chengdu) Ltd.

International trade ~ 7. 1992 –2. 1994



PUBLICATIONS (11total, recent 5 years)

- Regional Differences of the Capital Allocation Efficiency, Reformation & Strategy, 2009(10)

- Route Choice and Policy Suggestions of the Catastrophe insurance system in China , Southwest Jiaotong University Publishing House, 2009

- Study on the Status Quo and Countermeasures of the Disabled in Minority Area of Western China, Outstanding papers anthology of 2ND Sampling Survey on the Disabled in China. Sichuan People's Publishing House, 2009.

-Analysis on the Choice and Support of Competitive Industries in Sichuan, Outstanding papers anthology of Sichuan Research Projects in the Field of  Philosophy and other Social Sciences. Southwest University of Finance and Economics Press, 2009.

- Analysis on the Current Land Management System and the Farmer Rights Protection, Productivity Research Journal, 2010(4)

- Empirical Analysis on the Influencing Factors of China’s Service Trade Competitiveness. Journal of Industrial Technological Economics, 2011(7)

-Analysis on the Structure and Competitiveness of BRICS. , Productivity Research Journal, 2012(7)

-NGO and Precise Poverty Alleviation in China: A Case Study, Journal of Poverty Alleviation and International Development, 2013(1)

-Why Does the Pure Stock Dividend Disappear in the Chinese A stock market? Southwest Finance, 2013(5)

-Study on the Status and Innovation of the Intermediary Business in Domestic Commercial Banks, Southwest Finance, 2013(7)

-Research on the Producer Services of Chengdu.  Science Press, 2011



RESEARCH PROJECTS AND PAPERS (9total, recent 5 years)

-Tracking Footprints Study , China. Support by the SOS Children’s Village Organization. 2008-2009

- Study on the Development and Countermeasures of the Disabled in Minority Area .Supported by the China Disabled Persons Federation.2008-2010

-Empirical Research on the Development Status and Influence of Producer Services in Chengdu. Supported by Chengdu Social Sciences Federation. 2010-2011

-The 12th five-year Human Resources Development plan of Longquanyi District of Chengdu. Supported by the Chengdu Development and Reform Bureau.2010-2011

-Study on Population Development in Longquanyi District of Chengdu. Supported by the Chengdu Development and Reform Bureau. 2010-2011

-Research of the Sancha Lake Area’s Development orientation. Support by the Chengdu  Social Sciences Federation.2010-2012

- Quantitative Research on Rural Surplus Labor in Sichuan and Chongqing. Supported by the Ministry of Education of China. 2011-2014

-Quantitative Research on the Population of Chengdu: Based on the Theory of the Relative Carrying Capacity of Resources. Support by the Transportation and Regional Development Research Center, Sichan. 2012-1013

-Transport Hub Development and New Inter Provincial Relationships in Western Region. Support by the Social Science Fund of Sichuan. 2012-2014




-Low Carbon Economy and Social Development in Western China, with Prof. Dou xiangsheng. Support by the Social Science Fund of China. 2008-2010

-Research on the Social and Economic Development Evaluation Index System of the Mountainous Fragile Ecological Region in Western China, with Dr. Tang zhihong. Support by the National Bureau of Statistics.   2008-2010

-Manufacture Industries Spatial Distribution and Cooperation Strategy in Chengdu Chongqing Economic Zone, with Dr. Tang zhihong. Support by the Social Science Fund of Sichuan. 2008-2010

-Study on the Chengdu’s Development: Urban and Rural Integrated Spatial Development Strategically Research, with Prof. Dai bin. Supported by Construction Committee of Chengdu, 2009-2010

-Secondary Transport Hub Construction and Channel Economy in Wenchuan, with Prof. Dai bin. Support by the Construction Department of Sichuan Province. 2009-2010

pre:Ding Jing next:Lei Xuchuan
