
Associate Professor

Zhao Lili

2018-06-13  Hits:[]





 Public Administration


Professional ranks and titles

Associate Professor

Research field

Public Project Organization and Management


Ph .D . Management

E-mail address

[email protected]


Education background:

2003- 2007 PH.D
School of Economics and Management, Southwest Jiaotong University

1999-2003 B.S
School of Civil Engineering,Southwest Jiaotong University


Social part-time

Director of Sichuan economic society

Consultant of the service platform of enterprise technology innovation in Sichuan

Member of the National Innovation Method Society


Employment History:

2007- Present  School of Public Administration, Southwest Jiaotong University


Scientific achievements

Research Papers:

[1] ZHAO Li-li,TAN De-qing,HUANG Qing. Research on Controllable Risk in BOT Projects[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2005,13(5):39-43.

[2] ZHAO Li-li,HUANG Qing,TAN De-qing. Research on Price Adjustment Mechanism for Infrastructure BOT Projects’ Prouducts[J]. Porecasting, 2006, 25(2):74-77.

[3] ZHAO Li-li,Bu Xiang-zhi,TAN De-qing. Research on Government Purchase Guarantees for Infrastructure BOT Power Plant Projects[J]. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2008, 22(1):45-48.

[4] ZHAO Li-li,Bu Xiang-zhi,TAN De-qing. Research on two kinds of government guarantees for infrastructure BOT projects[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering, 2009, 24(2):190-197.

[5] ZHAO Li-li,TAN De-qing. Analysis on Concession Term Decisions of BOT Projects Based on Social Benefits[J]. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2009, 23(1):68-71.

[6] ZHAO Li-li,HUANG Qing. Analyses of the Concession Term and Investment Scale for Infrastructure BOT Project[J].Operations Research and Management Science, 2007, 16(4):39-44.

[7] ZHAO Li-li,TAN De-qing,GUO-tiande. Analyses on the Reaction of Canceling Seasoned Equity Offering Based on Prospect Theory[J]. Management review, 2008, 20(10):8-12.

[8] ZHAO Li-li, YOU Qi. Investigating the Decision of Adjustment Fund in Highway BOT Projects[J]. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2013, 27(3) :81-85.

[9] ZHAO Li-li,Bu Xiang-zhi, HUANG Qing. Decision Analysis between the Operation Outsourcing Participants in BOT Projects[J]. Mathematics in Practice and Theory,2008,(2):5-11.

[10] ZHAO Li-li,LIU Yi,TAN De-qing. Research on Controllable Risk Management in Infrastructure BOT Projects[J]. Soft Science, 2008, 22(2):79-82.

[11] ZHAO Li-li,LIAO Wei,HUANG Qing. Analysis of the Game of Suppliers in the Supply Chain Based on the Final Demand of Products[J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences), 2005, 6(5):33-36.

[12] ZHAO Li-li,TAN De-qing,HUANG Qing. Pareto Improvement to Return Model in BOT Project[J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2006,41(6): 69-773.

[13] ZUO Ting-liang,ZHAO Li-li. An Comparison on Profit of BOT Project under Two Kinds of Shareholders' Structure[J]. Forecasting, 2007, 26(6):76-80.

[14] TAN De-qing,ZHAO Li-li,WANG Zhen-hui. Study on Management Level of Bidder in the BOT Project[J]. Operations Research and Management Science, 2008, 17(6):140-149.

[15] ZUO Ting-liang,ZHAO Li-li. Research on BOT Project Company's Stability and Stockholder's Behavior Character[J]. Mathematics in Practice and Theory, 2007, 37(16):5-11.

[16] ZUO Ting-liang,ZHAO Li-li,TANG Zhi-hui. Analysis on Government Guarantees and It's Application Scope in BOT Projects[J]. Soft Science, 2008, 22(1):64-68.

[17] TANG Zhi-hui,ZUO Ting-liang,ZHAO Li-li. Digging enterprise's capacity to innovate based on knowledge management and TRIZ[J]. Science and Technology Management Research, 2009, 29(9):411-413.

[18] TANG Zhi-hui,HUANG Qing,ZHAO Li-li. Innovative Design Platform Based on Knowledge Management and TRIZ[J]. Science and Technology Progress and Policy, 2010,30(3):111-114.

[19] Zhou Xian-yong,HUANG Qing,ZHAO Li-li. The Presentation of Ideality Based on Lattice Theory and the Theory of Technological Evolution of TRIZ[J].Science and Technology Progress and Policy, 2010, 30(21):11-15.

[20] HUANG Qing,CHEN Guang,ZHAO Li-li, “Research on solutions of technical contradictions in TRIZ”[C], the first cross-strait Seminar on the innovation methods(TRIZ), outstanding paper Award, 2008.11.


Research Projects:

[1] “Eterprise knowledge management platform construction of phase II based on the theory of TRIZ”, the condition platform project of Science and Technology Department of Sichuan Province,  2011.01-2012.12, founds of 200,000 yuan, Leading Researcher.

[2]“Eterprise knowledge management platform construction of phase I based on the theory of TRIZ”, the condition platform project of Science and Technology Department of Sichuan Province, 2010.01-2010.12, founds of 400,000 yuan, Principal Investigator.

[3] “Theoretical study on the implementation of technical innovation project by industrial chains support”, Soft science project of Science and Technology Department of Sichuan Province, 2011.07-2012.12, 2011ZR0030, founds of 10,000 yuan, Principal Investigator.

[4] ”Technology innovation methods training and R&D platform construction”, the condition platform project of Science and Technology Department of Sichuan Province, 2008.12-2009.12, founds of 150,000yuan, Principal Investigator.

[5] “Theoretical study on Traffic infrastructure construction applied BOT mode after the earthquake ”, Soft science project of Science and Technology Bureau of Chengdu, 2009.1-2009.12, founds of 30,000yuan, 09RKYB002ZF-012, Principal Investigator.

[6] “Research on operation mechanism of BOT projects under government guarantees”, the Doctor Innovation Fund project of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2006.1-2007.5, founds of 30,000yuan, Principal Investigator.

[7] “Applied research on BOT mode in infrastructure construction after the earthquake”, supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, 2010.12-2011.12, founds of 100,000yuan, SWJTU09CX081, Principal Investigator.

[8] “Technology innovation methods integration research and its popularization and application”, Innovation Methods Program of Ministry of Science and Technology of China, 2007.12-2010.12, founds of 975,000yuan, 2007FY140400, Leading Researcher.

[9] “The integration of corporation innovation methods and the construction of incubation platform for TRIZ”, Innovation Methods Program of Ministry of Science and Technology of China, 2009.1-2009.12, founds of 400,000yuan, 2008IM030500, Leading Researcher.

[10] ”The innovation methods application and its service platform construction for Demonstration  popularization in Sichuan”, Innovation Methods Program of Ministry of Science and Technology of China, 2011.6-2013.6, founds of 375,000yuan, 2011IM020100, Leading Researcher.

[11] “Research on Enterprise knowledge management and its popularization and application based on the theory of TRIZ”, Innovation Methods Program of Ministry of Science and Technology of China, 2013.10-2015.10, founds of 400,000, 2013IM020400, Principal Investigator.

[12] worked out “ Financing advice for medium-sized and small enterprises of Sichuan Province”, entrusted by Science and Technology Department of Sichuan Province, 2007.05-2007.07, founds of 60,000yuan, Leading Researcher.


Teaching situation

[1] Theory and Practice of Leadership Science, undergraduate courses

[2] Public Project Financing, undergraduate courses

[3] Innovation and Entrepreneurship, undergraduate courses

[4] Innovation Method (TRIZ) and Application, undergraduate courses

[5] The Art of Leadership and Science, graduate courses

[6] Public Project Organization and Decision Making, graduate courses

[7]Public Project Financing, graduate courses

pre:Liu Guihua next:Wang Siqi
