

Wang Yongjie

2018-06-13  Hits:[]


Wang Yongjie


Department of Public Administration


Professional ranks and titles

Associate Dean / Professor

Research field

Innovation and Risk Management,

educational economy and management


Master /PhD

E-mail address

[email protected]


Education background:

1989-1993   Hebei Normal University     Bachelor

    1996-1999   Southwest Jiaotong University   Master

    2003-2008   Southwest Jiaotong University   PhD



Social Part-time Job

The second session of the special expert of People's Government of Sichuan Province Research Office

Executive director of The Social Sciences Associationin Chenghua ,Chengdu .


Employment History:

1993-1996     To be an assistantlecturerin a technical secondary school

1999-Present   Southwest Jiaotong University   Lecturer(2001)、Associate Professor(2003)、Professor(2010)


Scientific achievements


 [1] Wang Yongjie, Song Xu, Deng Haiyan. The Dynamic Econometric Analysis about the Relationship Between the Level of Urbanization and the Income of Farmers. Science of Finance and Economics, 2014, 2:96-105

[2]Wang Yongjie. The Problems and Countermeasures of the Development of the Educational Humanities and Social Sciences in the College.Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University (social science edition), 2012, 3:24 to 28

[3] Liu Feng, Wang Yongjie. The Reflection and the Coping Strategy on the Construction and Defect Research of Our Current Product Safety System.  Productivity research, 2011, 11:133-135

[4] Wang Yongjie, Chen Guang, Yan Kaiyin, Lei Xuchuan. The practice of cultivating creative talents through innovative entrepreneurial class. The University Teaching in China, 2011, 1:27-29

[5] Wang Yongjie, Yin Yanpin. The Theoretical Model that Humanities and Social Science Education Affects the Institutional Change. Journal of Hebei Normal University (education sciences edition), 2010, 7:99-103

[6] Wang Yongjie, Chen guang, Lei XuChuan. The Common Indicators of the System of University Evaluation at Home and Abroad. Education Management Research, 2010, 4:52-57

(二)Research Projects

[1] The Risk Regulations (regulation) Research of the Development of Social Center City from the Social Perspective (SC13E081), The Key Research and Base Project of Social Sciences in Sichuan Province, 2013.01 to 2014.12, 15000, Presided over

[2] The Research of University Students' Employment Model Based on the Theory of the Division  (10 yjc880125), The Research Project of Ministry of Education of Humanities and Social Science , 2010.07 to 2014.12, 70000, Presided over


Teaching Situation:

The Knowledge Economy and Innovation (undergraduate)

The Art and Methods of Leadership (graduate)

pre:Dai Bin next:Yu Lingyun
