

Eric M. Jamelske, Associate Professor, School of Economics, University of Eau Claire Gave Lecture in SPA

2013-11-27  Hits:[]




Eric M. Jamelske, Associate Professor, School of Economics, University of Eau Claire and his three American university students were invited to gave Lecture entitled Comparing Climate Change Public Opinion of Adults and College Students in the United States and China for faculty and students in SPA, in 4218, Yifu Building, Jiuli Campus on November 17, 2013. The lecture was presided by Associate Professor Lei Guosheng of SPA, and some teachers, postgraduate students and MPA students from SPA, teachers and students from Postgraduate School, students in Sino-US 2 +2 Project, and some administration majors had attended the lecture.

Eric M. Jamelske, Associate Professor in School of Economics, University of Eau Claire, Ph.D. in Economics of University of California, Davis, Wisconsin Economics Association, member of Midwest Economic Association, the American Economic Association, member ( and honorary member of board of ) the National Honor Society in Economics Method, presently is teacher in School of Economics, University of Eau Claire teaching courses including Health Economics, Environmental Economics, Principles of Microeconomics and Intermediate Microeconomics. In recent years, Dr. Eric Jamelske has made great investigation about welfare reform and recovery policies, etc. in political areas; participated in the plan promoted by Department of Agriculture of U.S. Government which aims to improve fruit and vegetable nutritional quality of school students; conducted a large number of health insurance reform involving medical insurance reform and research of attitudes of residents in western Wisconsin towards health care reform, and also participated in various research projects about the local economy.

Professor Eric cooperates with SPA on the research of global warming and environmental issues and selects five cities in China including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xi'an and Chengdu for opinion survey involving climate change. aimed to show our students his study in China and the progress achieved currently by his research in this lecture.

In the lecture, Professor Eric gave detailed introduction of survey he conducted, and expressed special thanks to the faculty and students in SPA for they helped him carry out research questionnaire. Based on the survey data and results, Eric analyzed the differences between the Chinese people and the American people on the issue of climate change as well as the causes of these differences. He believes thatpublic awareness and attitudes of the two countries for climate change issues vary, due to the different cultural and economic development of the two countries.

In the final stage of the lecture, through discussion and questions and answers, postgraduate students had a lively interaction with Eric about the issues of the research that Eric has being conducted currently. Besides, undergraduate students in Sino-US 2 +2 Project actively asked questions about studying and living in Universities in US. Finally, the lecture ended with the warm applause of audiences.

pre:Zheng Dunren, Professor in American College of William and Mary Lectured in SPA next:Our school has established workshops on themes of social capital and political support.
