

Economic 2+2 program between South-west Jiaotong University and George Mason smoothly promoted

2013-06-09  Hits:[]



On 7th, June, 2013, Professor Daniel E Houser, dean of Economics from College of Humanities and Social Sciences, George Mason University visited School of Public Administration, South-west Jiaotong University. On 8th Morning, Professor Houser discussed on 2+2 program between the two University with Bin Liu, the Party’s Secretary of School of Public Administration, Jie Li, the Deputy President of School of Public Administration, Chuanyu Peng, the deputy dean of Department of Economic and Feng Liu, the associate professor of School of Public Administration.

Firstly, both Bin Liu and Professor Houser briefly introduced own University and Department respectively. The two parts reached a consensus that the cooperation between the two universities would realize “win-win”, and furthermore, it would promote much more and deeper cooperation between the two universities. The two parts broadly exchanged views on program of undergraduate 2+2 majored in economic and reached agreement on issues of credit authentication, courses design etc. Professor Houser shown that he was pleased with the phase development over cooperation between South-west Jiaotong University and George Mason. On the basis of undergraduate 2+2 and Study Tour, Professor Houser hoped that the further cooperation in fields of academic exchange and faculty exchange between the two universities.

After conversion, Pin zhifan, Vice President of South-west Jiaotong University ,together with Bin Liu, the Party Secretary of School of Public Administration and Haiying FU, from School of International Education met Professor Houser.

pre:The University of Wisconsin Professor J.Eric Visited Our School next:Technical expert of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Dr. Anit Mukherjee visited School of Public Administration
