On January 4, 2014, Working Conference of International Administrative Science Expert Committee was Held in the Academician Hall of Jinghu Hotel at SWJTU. President of SWJTU Xu Fei, vice president of International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS), president of Asian Group for Public Administration(AGPA), vice president of Public Administration Organization in Eastern China Wu Jiang, deputy director of the Division for International Cooperation at Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China (MOHRSS) Dai Xiaochu, vice dean of Chinese Academy of Personnel Science Liu Xuezhi, vice dean of School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Tsinghua University Han Dongxue, secretary of the CPC of School of Government at Peking Universtiy Zhou Zhiren, vice dean of School of Public Administration at Renmin University of China Lan Zhiyong, vice dean of Zhou Enlai School of Government at Nankai University Sun Tao, dean of School of International and Public Affairs at Shanghai Jiao Tong University Hu Wei, dean of School of Public Administration at Southwest Jiaotong University Chen Guang and over thirty experts and scholars attended this conference. The focus of the conference is on the matters of 2014 Annual Meeting of IIAS, AGPA and EROPA. Dean of School of Public Administration at Southwest Jiaotong University Chen Guang presided over the opening ceremony.
President of SWJTU Xu Fei attended the conference and made a speech; he said that as an international academic organization, IIAS always exerted its significant influence on international administration matters. As a member of IIAS, SWJTU promoted actively the academic communication in the field of international administration by virtue of participating in academic meeting of international administration so as to broaden our vision and way of thinking in this field. President Xu Fei expressed gratitude and thanks for all the experts and scholars on behalf of SWJTU, and he hoped all the colleges in the academy circle could contribute to the internationalization of administration together.

On behalf of the Division for International Cooperation at MOHRSS, Dai Xiaochu expressed his heartfelt congratulations for this conference and thought highly of the conference’s significance.

Vice president Wu Jiang made working report on the performance and situation of IIAS, AGPA and EROPA in 2013 and made a detailed explanation on the working arrangement for 2014. He pointed out that the three international organizations achieved great accomplishments during the past year. China’s leading position among three organizations has been improved and consolidated further and more and more institutions became members of IIAS. Chinese scholars attended the academic communication of IIAS and AGPA more actively; the Chinese visit of IIAS’ president gave a further push on communication of international academy; Successful declaration and establishment of E-Government Research Center; suggestions posed by International Administrative Science Expert Committee were approved by relevant official departments. Although we have stronger influence and further communication with the three international organizations, yet it is still necessary for us to ponder on how to give full play of three platforms to promote international cooperation, how to face up with the institutionalization and materialization of AGPA and how to expand influence by virtue of EROPA.

Working Arrangement for 2014 became the highlight of this conference, dean of School of International and Public Affairs at Shanghai Jiao Tong University Hu Wei put up with his opinions and suggestions as for relating matters of China’s undertaking the Annual Meeting of EROPA and establishment of E-Government Research Center. Director of Study Room of E-Government and Performance Assessment of Chinese Academy of Personnel Science Li Zhigeng, vice dean of School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Tsinghua University Han Dongxue, Secretary of the CPC of School of Government at Peking Universtiy Zhou Zhiren, vice dean of School of Public Administration at Renmin University of China Lan Zhiyong and Dean of School of Public Administration at Southwest Jiaotong University Chen Guang respectively discussed and studied relating matters of concern on EROPA.
Relevant matters on 2014 Annual Meeting of IIAS in Morocco and 2014 Annual Meeting of AGPA were discussed in the conference, besides, translation and publishing affairsof Review on International Administrative Science (Chinese edition)is on the agenda.
Report of Chinese Academy of Personnel Science://www.rky.org.cn/c/cn/news/2014-01/07/news_14518.html