

2013 Foreign Liaison and alumni work plan of school of Public Administration

2013-03-01  Hits:[]

According the 2013 work plan of school of Public Administration,and the scientific development concept. We always concentrate on the idea of “righteousness of the heart; win-win cooperation; open mind; extensive knowledge; knowledge application" within strengthening external relations and alumni work.

First, continue to enhance the organization.

1. To further improve the alumni organization, consider new ideas and new approaches for alumni work.

2. Hold annual meeting for alumni timely, improve the theoretical understanding and establish alumni working with full consciousness.

Second, further strengthen liaison with alumni.

3. Visiting distinguished alumni. Use a variety of ways to understand changes in alumni information. For alumni information which is not yet mastered, we must continue to mobilize people looking for it. Continue to enhance the Alumni QQ group management.

4. Further contact alumni extensively and gradually establish an alumni network including graduate, continuing education and other alumni. Each grade and each class should be elected a convener for alumni contact.

5. strive to establish scholarships which sponsored by alumni, encourage the cooperation in alumni, business and other sectors of society. Provide assistance and help for the students’ social practice in the winter and summer, graduate internships, employment, entrepreneurship and employment recommendation.

6. collecting, editing and publishing for the “School of Public Administration Alumni Newsletter" encourage alumni to actively contribute it and strive to build a harmonious spiritual home for alumni.

7. We are working for Receptions in the Alumni Reunion Party.

Third, strengthen the alumni website building

8. constantly improve Alumni Association website and timely upgrade the interface and content.

pre:2014 Foreign Liaison and alumni work plan of school of Public Administration next:Southwest Jiaotong University MPA Alumni Association inaugural Meeting & the First Meeting of School of Public Administration Alumni Association Held
