
Associate Professor
  • 澳洲幸运10计划
    CHENG Xinqiao
    CHENG Xinqiao, female, associate professor, master supervisor, graduated from Sichuan University, majoring in international criminal law.Main research fields: science of legislation, criminal law, international law. Undergraduate courses: crime and civilization (general education), criminal law, private international law; postgraduate courses: science of legislation, criminal law, private inter...
  • 澳洲幸运10计划
    ZHU Kuibin
    NAMEZHU KuibinDEPT.LawPROFESSIONAL TITLEAssociate professorRESEARCH FIELDProcedural law, judicial system, evidence lawRECORD OF FORMAL STUDY/DEGREEPostgraduate/Doctor of [email protected] positions: Council Member, Asian Society of Law and SociologyDeputy Secretary General, Sichuan Procedural Law Research SocietySpecially invited mediator, Sichuan Provincial Higher People’s Court...
  • 澳洲幸运10计划
    YAN Shishu
    NAMEYAN ShishuDEPT.LawPROFESSIONAL TITLEAssociate professorRESEARCH FIELD(1) Construction and real estate law(2) Environmental and resources law(3) Market economy legal systemRECORD OF FORMAL STUDY/DEGREEPostgraduate/Master of [email protected] Shishu, male, born in June 1964, Associate Professor in law, Senior Engineer in hydrological engineering and environmental geology. Prac...
  • 澳洲幸运10计划
    WEI Qiong
    NAMEWEI QiongDEPT.LawPROFESSIONAL TITLEAssociate professorRESEARCH FIELDProcedural law and economic lawRECORD OF FORMAL STUDY/DEGREEPostgraduate/Doctor of laws in procedural [email protected] Qiong, female, born in 1967, holds a master’s degree in procedural law and is a doctor candidate in economic law, associate professor and part-time lawyer. She obtained her bachelor’s degre...
  • 澳洲幸运10计划
    HE Dewen
    NAMEHE DewenDEPT.Public administrationPROFESSIONAL TITLEAssociate professorRESEARCH FIELDPublic engineering organization and management/social securityRECORD OF FORMAL STUDY/DEGREEPostgraduate/Master of Business [email protected] background:From 1997 to 2000, he studied in Southwest Jiaotong University School of Economics and Management, and obtained a Master of Busine...
  • 澳洲幸运10计划
    DENG Juntao
    NAME: DENG JuntaoEMAIL: [email protected], main research fields and academic achievements1. Education and work backgroundBachelor of laws, Southwest University (formerly, Southwest Normal University) (2004);Master of Laws in criminal law, Southwest University of Finance and Economics (2006);Doctor of laws, Southwest University of Finance and Economics (2009);In 2009, he entered Southwes...
  • 澳洲幸运10计划
    KANG Li
    NAMEKANG LiDEPT.LawPROFESSIONAL TITLEAssociate professorRESEARCH FIELDCriminal procedure law, evidence law, sentencing law, judicial system, history of procedure lawRECORD OF FORMAL STUDY/DEGREEPostgraduate/Doctor of [email protected] Li (1979–), male, from Nanchong, Sichuan, doctor of laws, associate professor, master supervisor, Assistant Dean of Southwest Jiaotong Unive...
  • 澳洲幸运10计划
    WU Yu
    NAMEWU YuDEPT.LawPROFESSIONAL TITLEAssociate professorRESEARCH FIELDInternational lawRECORD OF FORMAL STUDY/DEGREEPostgraduate/[email protected] background: 2012–2017, University of International Business and Economics, post-doctor, international economic law2005–2010, University of Aberdeen, PhD, WTO law2001–2004, China Foreign Affairs University, master, international ...
  • 澳洲幸运10计划
    YANG Shan
    NAMEYANG ShanDEPT.LawPROFESSIONAL TITLEAssociate professorRESEARCH FIELDRECORD OF FORMAL STUDY/DEGREEPostgraduate/Master of [email protected] Shan, associate professor, bachelor of laws and master of laws from Sichuan University; doctor candidate in economic law at Southwest University of Political Science and Law. Her main research fields are economic law, labor law ...