
澳洲幸运10计划 澳洲幸运10计划 · 正文


澳洲幸运10计划 系列讲座(9.22-9.25)

日期:2014-09-18   点击数:  



堀江正弘 特别教授

Masahiro HORIE



1. 开场报告:9月22日 上午9:50-11:30 地点:九里校区4421

题目:Administrative Reform:Experience in the World and Japan行政改革的世界趋势及日本经验

2. 本科报告:9月24日 上午9:50-11:50 地点:犀浦校区X1414

题目:Decentralization and Local Governance: Experience in Japan 分权化与地方治理的日本经验

3. 交流报告:9月25日 下午14:00-16:00 地点:九里校区0401

题目:Enhancing Public Trust and Governance: Conditions, Systems and Practices 提升公信力及治理能力:条件、制度及实践

演讲人简介:Professor Masahiro HORIE


Masahiro HORIE is Senior Professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) in Tokyo. He is currently the Director of the Executive Development Center for Global Leadership and the Director of the Young Leaders Program which is a master’s degree program for MPA and MPP. Until the end of March 2013, he was Vice President of GRIPS and before that the Dean for the International Affairs.

Before moving to GRIPS, he worked for the Japanese Government for 35 years. Jobs he had in the Central Government include the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the Director-General of the Cabinet Secretariat Office for the Promotion of Administrative Reform and the Deputy Director-General of the Postal Services Agency.

In the international academic community of Public Administration, he is currently the Chairperson of the Programme and Research Advisory Committee of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS) and is actively involved in the activities of IIAS, the Asian Group for Public Administration (AGPA) which is the regional organization of IIAS, and the Asian Association for Public Administration (AAPA) which is composed of leading scholars and ex-government officials in Asian countries.

He studied at the Department of Law of the University of Tokyo, the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs of Syracuse University, and the Department of Administrative Sciences (now the School of Management) of Yale University .

In 2001 the Business Week magazine selected him as one of the Stars of Asia in the field of politics and public administration for his distinguished work in the government.